Dec 2008

Short Snips

Posted by: Rin
filed under: Web &Work
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I Hate IE6!

I have been busy doing some front-end web development the past few days. Half of the time is spent on debugging and making those web projects work with IE6 (Internet Explorer Version 6.0). With so many CSS incompatabilities and no support for PNG alpha transparency it is a big hassle to script in extra css hacks cheapest buy fast propecia generic cialis just to make it compatible with the modern browsers.

Really feel like dropping IE6 entirely for my websites and projects… But as a front-end developer, I can not. Blame it all on those who never/refuse/forget/*insert whatever excuse here upgrade their browser to at least Cheap Levitra Super Active+ an IE7. These people made up at least 15-21% of a site’s audience, thus in business wise it makes more sense to cater for this group sildenafil kamagra of people too.

How I wish my client can tell me… “Rin, let us forget those who are using IE6.”

I will be over the moon when online pharmacy buy -blog I hear this.


Featured in Chinese CSS galleries and blogs. recently has garnered more audience from the Chinese. Thanks everyone for their continual support. 多谢大家的支持。


Regarding Rin-Wendy WP Theme version 1.0

Many people has asked whether are we releasing the WP theme to the public. Sad to say that we will not be releasing the theme out to the public yet for a few reasons. Rin-Wendy theme is a personal WP theme, it is made for the sole usage for this website only. Next, Rin-Wendy is still not stable as a WP theme as yet. There are still many updates and upgrades to be made. We have received many valuable and insightful reviews on how to further improve on our website. As a web developer I will only release products which are considered stable and premium.


Some new and up-coming web updates in the near future

  • Contact form, Yeah finally a contact form will be added.
  • New image galleries
  • 2 new featured sections of similar order generic cytotec fashion like the ‘tug-o-war’. The gist of a dual-blog is the interactivity between the 2 authors and we are making sure that it remains the feature of this webby.
  • Upgrades to the middle/side bar, widgetized and AJAXed!!!
  • Upgrading the comment posts. They are still missing something currently

Do stay tuned for more posts and site updates.



5 comments to date:


  1. To be honest, nobody loves IE6 :P in fact, almost every single designer that I’ve asked hates IE6 (specifically). It’s normal, considering that IE6 has it’s own quirky way of interpreting CSS and other rendering bugs. The greatest problem of all, I reckon, is the inconsistent styling across browsers as well as IE6′s inherent inability to render alpha transparency. Gee. And we have to use conditional comments and additional stylesheets to fix the mess IE6 (and sometimes even IE7. IE8 will most probably be using the same rendering machine as IE7, so it’s gonna suck too) has created.

    I don’t release my themes publicly too – although I’ve received numerous requests to release them. Just like what you’ve mentioned, I will only release my themes when they’re of good quality and are flexible enough such that they can be used for any kind of blogs. The perfect example will be Kubrick, where it is widgetised and has it’s own Theme Options page. I couldn’t do that, considering that I lack knowledge in PHP.

    I couldn’t wait to see what new features you’re gonna add! Good luck and all the best!


  2. I hate IE6, too. I can only think of all the hours I’ve spent making things work in it… Why do such browsers have to exist??


  3. IE7 is much better. I’ve heard IE8 is even better than IE7, but my mom who uses IE8 is having lots of problems.


  4. Oh I totally despise IE6 as well… it gets too complicated and they never translate the coding as good as firefox or safari. But we can never cut them out, because a lot of people surf the web with IE6 from their company computers as well. Hopefully you can make it work there.
    I really do enjoy your theme here, it’s sad that you won’t be releasing it but it’s a good reason!


  5. IE6 is evil. It’s out to get every web designer out there. And so many Singaporeans still use it. T__T WHY OH WHY!



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